Preventing falls in the nursing abode. Clinical practice guideline for the assessment and prevention of falls in older people. The timed Get-upand-go Test Revisited: The Cochrane Library, Issue 4; As avaliações foram inicialmente realizadas em papel, e posteriormente introduziu-se a gama nos processos informatizados dos residentes, tendo sido criado um sistema de alerta para os residentes de alto risco.

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This paper presents and discusses some results obtained during the advance of a falls prevention assignment in nursing home context all the rage which it was implemented a systematic assessment of falling attempt through the Morse scale, after that applied the Get Up after that Go test and Timed Get Up and Go in an institution with a capacity of residents. It was appointed a falls prevention reference nurse all the rage the context, and created an interdisciplinary commission for monitoring the project. Back to the Fundamentals of Care: A systematic accident risk assessment in residents, followed by interventions targeted to all individual and taking into account the different types of falls is an efficient and differentiated approach in fall prevention after that in institutionalized elderly in the home. Preventing falls in the nursing home. Na tabela 2 encontram-se os resultados do Timed Get Up and Go. Cold practice guideline for the assessment and prevention of falls all the rage older people. Springer Publishing Company; Keeping your patient on His feet.

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